• Are you on a disability support pension due to mental health issues?
  • Would you like to get back to work but feel unsure about where to start?

Transitional supported employment at one of our community businesses could be the opportunity you are looking for.

As a community business employee you will have access to vocational training and recovery groups so you can build your skills and experience, while furthering your mental health recovery journey. You will receive one-on-one vocational guidance from our mental health workers and peer workers provide ongoing support at the workplace.

Our community businesses offer a variety of work options, including packing and light assembly at Prestige Packing Co as well as lawn and garden maintenance and commercial cleaning at Enterpraise. We can help you access tertiary education through TAFE and community colleges, and a Certificate 3 in Warehouse Operations is offered onsite at Prestige Packing Co.

When you feel you are ready to enter the open workforce, we are here to assist you with job seeking, resume writing and interview preparation. Once you find a job in the open employment market we can arrange for ongoing mental health support if you wish.